Construction to commence on new car park, Sir Roden Cutler Park Dubbo

Construction of the new car park at Sir Roden Cutler Park, in West Dubbo is scheduled to commence today, Monday 20 July 2020, providing 44 car spaces, including disabled parking.The new car park is a major component of the My Community Grant Project that includes the highly anticipated Ninja Park Warrior Course.

Dubbo Regional Council (DRC) supported the application for the My Community Grant Project submitted by Titan Macquarie Mud Run and Club Dubbo. The application was for the installation of an outdoor fitness Ninja Warrior Course and car park complete with a new accessible internal road within Sir Roden Cutler Park.

Titan Macquarie Mud Run (TMMR) and Club Dubbo’s submission was successful in securing the maximum $200,000 – as voted by the community via online poll. The My Community Grant added to the contributions from TMMR of $52,000 and Club Dubbo of $250,00, with DRC also contributing $80,000 towards the Ninja Warrior Course construction costs.

Mayor of the Dubbo Region Councillor Ben Shields said the community should be proud of this unique project. “This project is such a community effort, funded partially by the state government, voted on by the whole community, significant contributions coming from Club Dubbo and Titan Macquarie Mud Run proceeds, and constructed by Council. It’s going to be a fantastic addition to an already wonderful area,” said Councillor Shields

To enable the construction of the car park and access road, three trees are required to be removed. These trees will be offset with additional advanced plantings within the park. The construction works will generate excess soil that will be reused to top dress around the Ninja Warrior Course.

Council’s acting Director of Liveability, Ian McAlister said the Ninja Park Warrior course was expected to be completed in time for the annual Titan Macquarie Mud Run 2020, rescheduled due to COVID-19.

“We are just as enthusiastic to open the new fitness precinct as the community are, we are working closely with the team at Titan Macquarie Mud Run and Club Dubbo to ensure the project is complete in time for their upcoming event,” said Mr McAlister.

The car park construction is expected to be completed within 12 weeks, weather permitting.

Source: DRC