Build resilience into your business

Goulburn Mulwaree Council is encouraging businesses from around the region to join one of three free Business Resilience Workshops, which will be run in partnership with Voyager Strategies in late July (2020) and early August (2020).

The workshops will focus on looking at how you operate now, thinking about new opportunities and how you might be able to innovate in order to take advantage of them – for a retail business this could mean getting online, or for an engineering business you may think about purchasing a new piece of equipment to help you better service your customers.

Mayor Kirk encouraged businesses from all industries to take a day to focus on your personal and professional development, at no cost to you.

“It has been an incredibly difficult 6 months for all businesses, as we faced bushfires throughout the summer and then the COVID-19 pandemic. We are hoping business can use these workshops as a reset moment – they will be a great opportunity to think about how you operate and how you might be able to improve your bottom line.”

“Voyager Strategies has strong results in assisting small and medium businesses to take the jump to the next level, and you will be provided with online tools and the opportunity for follow-up mentoring to ensure you can continue to progress.”

The workshops have been proudly funded by the NSW Government Bushfire Community Resilience and Economic Recovery Fund. They will include lunch and refreshments, and will be held:

  • Wednesday 29 July 2020 9am – 4pm: Goulburn Mulwaree Civic Centre, 184 Bourke Street, Goulburn.
  • Thursday 30th July 2020 9am – 4pm: Marulan War Memorial Hall, 80 George Street, Marulan.
  • Tuesday 4th August 2020 12pm – 5pm: The Collective, Cnr Auburn & Market Street, Goulburn.

Attendees at the event on Tuesday 4th August 2020 are also encouraged to hang around to participate in Goulburn Connect, which will return for its first event since COVID-19 began. Goulburn Connect is a brilliant monthly business event, focused around short pitches and networking – it kicks off at 5:30pm on the first Tuesday of each month at The Collective.

Source: Goulburn Mulwaree Council