Ballarat continues to dine outdoors

Ballarat continues to dine outdoors

The City of Ballarat once again invites hospitality businesses to express their interest in outdoor dining infrastructure.

The infrastructure includes glass wind barriers and in-ground umbrella sockets on footpaths outside their businesses to further enhancement outdoor dining experiences across the city.

The program is funded by the State Government’s COVID Safe Outdoor Activation Fund 2021 and at this stage this is the final funding that is allocated to this infrastructure.

Expressions of interest are open to businesses that have not previously received infrastructure and those who would like to utilise more.

The infrastructure can be installed on City of Ballarat managed land and is required to be installed ensuring adequate footpath access for pedestrians.

Permits are required for businesses to use the additional outdoor dining infrastructure; however, the City of Ballarat is currently not charging a fee for these permits.

Once a request is submitted, a representative from the City of Ballarat will visit your business to assess suitability in line with the City of Ballarat’s Outdoor Dining & Trading Policy.

City of Ballarat Mayor, Cr Daniel Moloney said it was amazing it is to see so many customers still dining outdoors.

“Allowing businesses to serve more customers in the COVID recovery stage is incredibly beneficial to business and the local economy and creates a vibrancy around the city,” he said.

For more information about eligibility, or the type of infrastructures available businesses are invited to contact the City of Ballarat’s Economic Development Team on 5320 5500 or visit the outdoor trading page for more information.

Applications will close on Sunday 13 March 2022.

Due to the current climate, there has been delays with suppliers. This is subsequently creating some delays with infrastructure arriving and being installed. Those businesses that have previously applied for infrastructure are thanked for their patience and will start to receive communication about the installations shortly.

Source: City of Ballarat