The National Rural Health Alliance, the peak body for rural and remote health Australia, welcomed the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG) as a member of the Alliance.
“We’re delighted to have RANZCOG join the Alliance,” said National Rural Health Alliance CEO Dr Gabrielle O’Kane.
“RANZCOG is a respected and well-established peak body responsible for training, accrediting and recertifying specialist obstetricians and gynaecologists, and GP obstetricians, representing more than over 6000 members across the country including many in rural Australia.
“They also have demonstrated a commitment to, and a deep understanding of, women’s health issues in rural and remote Australia, which is of particular interest to us at the Alliance.
“Specialist obstetricians and gynaecologists, and GP obstetricians in rural Australia play a major role in supporting hospitals and health services to maintain services and to ensure an appropriate level of care is provided for women and their families in rural areas.”
“The College is committed to ensuring that women living and working in rural and remote Australia, like their counterparts in metropolitan centres, receive high quality obstetric and gynaecological healthcare throughout any pregnancy and their lives,” said RANZCOG President Dr Vijay Roach.
“Equitable access to women’s healthcare must be a priority for governments, and we look forward to ensuring this advocacy is amplified through the Alliance.”
This brings the Alliance’s membership to 44, which is made up of organisations representing health practitioners, consumers, students and the Indigenous health sector.
Source: National Rural Health Alliance