Despite COVID-19 distancing restrictions, the Tulgeen Group recently produced 150 conference bags in record time for the Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade (DFAT), to be used at an international…
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Despite COVID-19 distancing restrictions, the Tulgeen Group recently produced 150 conference bags in record time for the Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade (DFAT), to be used at an international…
The Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) extends its congratulations to the newly-appointed Minister for Local Government the Hon. Shaun Leane MP and looks forward to a strong and collaborative partnership.…
Gladstone Regional Art Gallery & Museum (GRAGM) is proud to announce the Martin Hanson Memorial Art Awards will go ahead again this year (2020), marking the 45th anniversary of these…
Wingecarribee Shire Council is offering a series of free workshops to support the development of skills in young people aged 12 to 24 years. (more…)