2019 Waterfowl hunting season

The Minister for Environment and Natural Resources, Eva Lawler, announced the 2019 Waterfowl hunting season dates and conditions.

2019’s Waterfowl hunting season commences Wednesday, 25 September 2019 ending Monday, 6 January 2020.

The 15-week season will see the daily bag limit increased to seven magpie geese and ten ducks, per person, per day in 2019.

The Territory Government is ensuring that the declared annual waterfowl season is sustainable for the long-term benefit of all, including hunters, residents, tourists and tourism operators.

An aerial survey across the Top End’s floodplains in May 2019, has estimated the 2019 magpie goose population as 1.48 million, double what it was two years ago.

The Northern Territory Government is currently reviewing the Management Plan in consultation with key groups including recreational hunters, with the new plan to be in place prior to the next hunting season to ensure harvests continue to be sustainable.

Hunters are reminded of several conditions relating to Waterfowl hunting in the NT, the Parks and Wildlife Commission conducts random patrols of hunting grounds to ensure hunters have their permits with them and are not using lead shot.

Source: NT Government