In just three years, the Territory Government has completed 1500 homes in remote areas.
Works, now rolling out in communities across the NT, include new builds, upgrades, extensions and renovations.
Separately, subdivisions are being created in several communities to allow for the construction of more homes.
The Territory Government has invested $1.1 billion in its community-led, job-creating remote housing program.
This ten-year commitment, augmented by current and historic joint funding arrangements, paves the way for tangible and sustainable change in the Territory’s remote areas.
The program’s success is exemplified at Santa Teresa where 93 out of 99 homes at the Central Australian community have been fully upgraded. Five homes have been built with another two planned.
Now, 31 homes will be extended as part of the Territory Government’s innovative Room to Breathe program where extra living spaces are added to existing homes to alleviate overcrowding.
A contract for the first 19 homes has been awarded to Aboriginal Business Enterprise, Ingkerreke Commercial. With local workers on board, works are well underway with two homes completed so far.
The Territory Government’s successful remote housing program totally eclipses the CLP’s shameful legacy in the bush where in their last two years of Government, they built just two houses.
Source: NT Government