The WA Government has allocated $10 million towards the upgrade of 20 regional roads, many of which are highlighted as priorities in the draft Revitalising Agricultural Region Freight Strategy.
The funding was highlighted in the WA Government’s 2019-20 State Budget as Commodity Freight Routes to support roads integral to Western Australia’s agrifood industry.
Commodity Freight Routes are known, identified routes that serve a significant high priority transport task associated with the transportation of commodities such as grain, livestock, timber, agricultural lime and minerals.
Upgrading these routes will reduce existing inefficiencies in delivering agricultural produce to market and improve safety for all road users.
The works will be delivered by the relevant local government with financial oversight by Main Roads Western Australia.
Last July (2018), Main Roads called for project applications via the current Regional Road Group structure.
A Technical Review Group assessed all the proposals, ranked them accordingly and made a recommendation to the State Road Funds to Local Government Advisory Committee.
Source: WA Government